These are examples of barrel saddles we have built in the past. You can use these photos as examples when you order your custom-built saddle or we can come up with a design all your own.
AR 4-15-35
Allen Ranch Flex-tree
Chocolate 2-tone
AR 1-15-6
Allen Ranch 12 3/4" Youth
Black floral print seat
Swarkovski crystal trim
AR 2-15-19
Allen Ranch Flex-tree
Chocolate rough-out leather
White Buckstitch
AR 1-15-14W
Allen Ranch AR2
Chocolate 2-tone
Toast suede seat
AR 4-15-36W
Allen Ranch AR2
Black 2-tone
Lime green ostrich seat
Swarkovski crystals
AR 6-15-60
Allen Ranch Flex-tree
Chestnut 2-tone Elephant print seat trim
Sheridan tooling with dyed background
Swarkovski crystals
AR 7-15-70
Allen Ranch 12 3/4" Youth
Chestnut 2-tone
Giraffe-print stingray seat
AR 7-15-72
Allen Ranch AR2
Southwest tooling and paint
Red Swarkovski crystal trim
Toast suede seat
AR 8-15-78
Allen Ranch AR2 with 45 corners
Chocolate 2-tone
White buckstitch
Lily floral and geometric tooling
AR 9-15-86
Allen Ranch AR3
Heavy oil
Square pointed skirts
Small brads
AR 11-15-103
Allen Ranch AR2
Light oil
Sheridan with Running W border
Black stingray seat
Black rawhide/silver lace
AR 1-16-07
Allen Ranch AR3
All chocolate leather
Smooth jockeys & fenders
Black suede seat
Black rawhide/silver lace